At Oftalmológos El Tesoro, we are a solid team of experienced specialists from every field of ophthalmology with more than 30 years of experience; providing our patients with a  full range of high-quality eye care services, performed with advanced ophthalmic technology.


Over 20.000 successful  procedures performed by our skilled surgeons speak for themselves. Thanks to them, our patients have improved and restored their vision through our flawless surgical techniques.


Our main goal is to help you achieve a life-changing vision. We want you to see the world better than before.

Diagnostic Exams

State-of-the-art Operating Rooms

Specialized Surgeries

Personalized Attention

Visión El Tesoro Eyeglass Shop

Over 20.000 successful surgeries performed by our team of skilled ophthalmic surgeons


Let’s Talk About Cataracts

One of the most complex pathologies in ophthalmology are the cataracts. Cataracts are the leading cause of vision loss in...

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